Friday, February 26, 2016

Dear Reader,
            Do you know the effects of drug abuse? The impacts it has on people’s lives. How it destroys them both physically and mentally, or maybe the fact that their whole future can go to waste because of their addiction. This all can happen to a person effected by drug abuse. It isn’t pretty but it still continues to go on. Most when they see the problem they blame the user because they don’t know how addiction works. I see those who are hurt differently.
            I see those who are burdened with abuse much differently than others. They don’t choose to be addicted, and if given the choice most would quit. They don’t want to spend money to get a fix or to fix the damage done to their bodies, but this is the consequence from abusing these substances. If they never started they wouldn’t have to try and quit, but I’m not here to judge and point fingers. I chose this topic to bring light upon those affected. For example, the user wants to quit but cannot because their brain has been changed and thinks differently and now needs the substance to survive. Also, their family, friends, and loved ones, these people live with others choices and they can feel firsthand the problems of their drug abuse. Whether it can be a mother and husband in a financial crisis or a parent who hallucinates and causes harm to others or themselves.
            I just want people to know that addiction can happen to anyone and quitting is not as easy as many think. Drugs change who the brain functions and how it thinks. Just giving up and not using the narcotic doesn’t mean all the side-effects go away. They can go through withdrawal or be tempted and pressured by others to do it again. I also want others to be made clear that it doesn’t just affect the user. It hurts and cripples those around them, those who are a part of their lives, but sadly to help someone quit they need all the support they can get or they’ll just continue down the never ending stairway of abuse.
Sincerely, Andrew Hanthorn

Andy Hanthorn
Expository Genre Piece
February 23, 2016
America Dream Goes Up In Smoke
            Many have seen firsthand the effects of drug abuse. Most see how it effects the victim and the negative impact from using these narcotics. Whether it comes from a financial loss, damaged relationships, or how they hurt themselves and their body. The everlasting effects of drug abuse also can hurt family and friends. For many they cannot escape this grasp of addiction, it disrupts and devastates their life. Exploiting drugs primarily effects the user, their dreams, and also their loved ones, Drug abuse is very disastrous and may impede or stop ones hopes from reaching their American Dream.
             There are many ways how drug abuse can affect the user. The use of drugs may not always lead to addiction but many substances if used improperly this can be a consequence.  It is a myth that quitting is because of low will and lack of morals . The National Institute on Drug Abuse claims that “drugs change[s] the brain in ways that foster compulsive drug abuse” effecting how one thinks and is affected by the drugs and the choices that are made cannot be under the users control. 
Studies have been done to help and treat those who suffer but sometimes side-effects of abuse can overwhelm them. When most try to quit they can undergo withdrawal. This is when the body physically and mentally relies on the drug and craves it to function. This can range from minor to serious symptoms depending on how the body works without the drug. Depending on how the user is effected may change what kind of treatment is needed. If minor, family and friends can help them but if severe they may have to go get medical assistance at a hospital or residential unit with staff and equipment to nurse the patient back to health.
             A problem many face is paying for the drug or treatment. Going to place of care is not free and can more expensive than obtaining the drug itself, so getting help can be a both a mental and finical struggle for these users. According to Lauren Brande the rehab can range from $2,000 to above $25,000 depending on the type of care, where, and services provided. Many cannot not afford rent, so missing work, if they have a job can be problematic. It becomes depressing to watch people fall down this pit of despair and nothingness because of these narcotics. Some turn to these narcotics in hope of escape from their lives because of how terrible they feel and what happens to them. This can be a short-term effect to change how the user “responds to issues of self-control, judgment, emotion, motivation, memory, and learning,” because reality has become too much to bare (NCADD). When searching for these short-term effects they don’t realize the long-term effects on the brain and how it will make them think. The brain begins to crave the substance and making objects, dreams, education, and loved ones unimportant.
            The fact that loved ones may be tossed aside to some as if they are unwanted commodities can harm everyone involved critically. If a provider in a family were to fall victim to drug abuse they may lose their job, income, food, and shelter because they do not have the money to pay for these necessities. Those hurt by drug abuse do not have the funding to pay for their drugs they may resort to crime to getting in order to pay for it which can hurt innocent bystanders. Overall society is impacted greatly by drug abuse. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence estimates over $190 billion are lost “$130 billion in lost productivity, $20 billion in healthcare costs, $40 billion in legal costs including effort to stem the flow of drugs.” This money could be put towards education, public utilities, or helping out those who are less fortunate but instead is lost to this terrible habit.
            Achieving ones dreams is almost impossible due to drug abuse. It doesn’t just harm the user and their dreams but also loved ones. The effects on society and finances of preventing and trying to stop it are devastating. If only this cold reality didn’t have to harm so many. For many closer than others. Most are not victims of drug abuse but they know or have seen the results of someone who is.


Violets are blue
Roses are red
Drugs are the reason why many aren’t dead
But when misused
Then they are being abused
Crippling the user, family, and friends
Shouting and screaming, saying to quit
They never listen, not one bit
A spiral of black, crime, and pain
A sad reality that many cannot maintain.

Prescription Form


(Buyer walks in)
Buyer: Do you have it?
Dealer: What’s it to ya?
Buyer: Don’t you mess with me! I got the cash just like I promised!
Dealer: Woah, calm down buddy, I got what you’re looking for, just give me a second.
Buyer: I don’t have time for this! Give me the stuff now! I got people expecting me in a couple of minutes!
Dealer: (pulls out narcotics) Here it is, that’s going to be $200.
Buyer: No! You promised $150! I don’t have that kind of money for only 2 measly grams!
Dealer: I assure you this is quality stuff right here. Top of the line, grade A.
Buyer: No it ain’t. I’ve bought from you before, it’s not even worth $100, and you’re just taking advantage of this addiction.
Dealer: Hey buddy, if you don’t want it fine, I got plenty of people who will pay up for this.
Buyer: Fine. I only got $180 though.
Dealer: We got ourselves a deal. (Dealer hands over the bag)
(Cop sirens scream in the distance)
Dealer: It’s the pigs, I gotta get out of here! (Dealer takes the drugs, money, and runs)

Monologue of the Brain

I don’t need it. I don’t need it! I don’t need it! No.
I need it. I need it! I NEED IT!
Why? It dictates me. It controls me. How can I function without it? It just makes everything better. I don’t have to worry about pain in the left tibia. I get a rush of dopamine too. It makes me feel good and it makes him feel good too. We both enjoy it, what is so bad about it? He doesn’t need to pay for a house, food, or anything else. He just needs to keep taking it. I know it’s all he needs, it’s all I need. I’m the most important part of his body. Who cares if his heart goes at risk or being attacked, or his liver failing him? I’m the one who tells those other organs what to do. So I’ll just tell him to just get a little more, for us.

Police Report

On Saturday, May 23, 2015, at 10:52 p.m., I, Officer Rich Smith, was dispatched to 715 Garden Court to investigate domestic abuse. I met with Jane Doe, the homeowner who reported called about the situation.

Jane had said her husband, John Doe, had taken been drinking and had taken illegal narcotics. He then became very aggressive. She had not known he had done these actions till she had returned from the store to get groceries. She then confronted him of his wrong doings and he became upset.

There is are bruises all over Jane and she claims that he had done this in his rage. I documented the injuries and took pictures of the marks. I then cuffed John and placed him under arrest. I was then given consent from Jane to search the house for any narcotics. After finding 2 grams of crack I confronted Jane and John separately. John claimed it to be his and that his wife had not known.

Here I have recorded evidence I have found and secured on the scene.
·         2 grams of crack/cocaine
·         A crack pipe
·         Numerous empty cans of beer
·         Evidence of Jane Doe’s injuries

I questioned the neighbors and Gary Johnson had said he saw his neighbors arguing in the front law when John had attacked Jane and which he called emergency response also.

I believe John to be guilty of domestic abuse, injection, and possession of illegal narcotics. I then told Jane, she made the right choice of calling authorities and I asked if she would like to press charges but she is undecided. 

Journal Entry

May 24, 2015

Today I relapsed again. My parents, children, and most importantly my wife will be disappointed in me. I just needed it so bad. I needed the high, it kept messing with me. I couldn’t think, concentrate, work, or do anything. I could only think of it. It tortures me every day! I feel depressed and have no motivation or drive. Life just doesn’t feel important anymore, it’s boring and nothing brings me joy.  I just want my life to go back to what it was like before I tried it, became hooked and an addict. I look in the mirror and I’m not the young man before, who felt he could face anything in the world. I’m a middle-aged man with kids and a lovely wife. People I have to support. If work finds out they’ll test me and fire me. We’re broke enough as is, I can’t afford to waste money on this ugly habit. I just hope like last time, that this was the last time.

Drug Abuse Assessment

Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation

Identifying Information
            Name: John Doe                                             Date of Interview: May 30, 2015
Sex: Male                                                        Date of Report: May 23, 201
Date of Birth: October 21, 1977                    Referral Source: Spouse
            Age: 38

Reason for Referral
While under the influence acted out. Made acts of abuse towards his wife. Had been making strides into quitting the addiction but had gone under withdraw.

History of Problem
Used narcotics like crack, cocaine, and marijuana heavily in the past. Had been caught twice with possession of the narcotics and once while under the influence.

Chief Complaint
Reason for entry into care was pushed by wife and in the patient’s own words “I thought I could control the problem but its apparent I need help”.  The patient will be sent to rehab to finally quit the habits.